summary refs log tree commit
DateCommit message (Expand)
2009-12-26update README, Sunshowers is not a web server rack-1.1-doc
2009-12-25Update web server list in README
2009-12-25Update README
2009-12-24Modernize packaging and publishing tasks for gemcutter
2009-12-24ignore dist tmp files
2009-12-24Prepare release notes for 1.1
2009-12-22Use Content-Type to determine POST params parsing [#20]
2009-12-20Status code lookup utility
2009-12-20Extract parse_query and parse_multipart in Request so subclasses
2009-12-20Request#host knows about forwared host [#77 state:resolved]
2009-12-20exclude rackup tests by default because they often stall
2009-12-20Mention fix-root-scriptname in KNOWN-ISSUES
2009-12-20Merge branch 'master' of
2009-12-11ignore rackup log output
2009-12-11NullLogger should actually be a middleware
2009-12-11Simple rack logger middleware that wraps rack.errors
2009-12-11Nop NullLogger
2009-12-11rack.logger specification
2009-12-11Import Ryan's Sendfile from contrib into core
2009-12-11Import runtime middleware by paul (Paul Sadauskas) into core
2009-12-11Import etag middleware from contrib into core
2009-12-11Import Config by jcrosby (Jon Crosby) into core
2009-12-10Reverse hash for looking up status codes by symbol
2009-12-10HeaderHash#each yields Lint-OK multivalue headers
2009-12-10CommonLogger uses HeaderHash to lookup Content-Length
2009-12-10avoid HeaderHash#to_hash in middlewares avoids unnecessary object creation
2009-12-10Fixed multipart parameter parsing for when a field's body ends at the same ti...
2009-12-10Introduce failing test case for multipart parser when it slices exactly on a ...
2009-12-10Tell people to report bugs to lighthouse
2009-12-10Don't delete PATH_INFO from env in fastcgi, mongrel, and webrick
2009-12-03Merge branch 'memcache-session-bugfix'
2009-12-03Test-fix for shallow copy change checks
2009-12-03Added test for deep hash checks, prevent shallow copy check failure
2009-12-02Session::Memcache fixes
2009-12-02Updating Session::Memcache test
2009-12-02Inlining of #merge_sessions
2009-12-02Merge branch 'quoted-string-cookies'
2009-12-02Test added to check to ensure that quoted values are properly parsed
2009-12-02Fix typo on lib/rack/session/pool.rb
2009-12-02Added mime type for .manifest (HTML5 offline storage)
2009-12-02Response should call #to_i on the status, as per the spec.
2009-11-23Extract the option parser
2009-11-22Initial removal of OpenID related files
2009-11-21Refactor rackup into Rack::Server
2009-11-21Test coverage for rackup
2009-11-21Merge branch 'master' of
2009-11-10Update README for 1.0.1
2009-10-23Fix LSWS handler as suggested by George Wang